ruh renklerle rezonansa girer .. yaratıcılık cesaret ister .. Yüreğin bir bildiği vardır , aklın hiç haberdar olmadığı... Yayınlanan eserlerin tüm hakları ait oldukları sanatçılara ve ilgililerine aittir.© Allrights are reserved by the artists who created the works referenced herein...
Dear Ismail,I identified a lot with these paintings with boats.Topics are too expensive for me. You always features great artists on your blog!Congratulations and a big hug
Dear master Machado, Thank you very much for your kind words.. honor for me.. very thanks..--best regards--
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2 yorum:
Dear Ismail,
I identified a lot with these paintings with boats.
Topics are too expensive for me. You always features great artists on your blog!
Congratulations and a big hug
Dear master Machado, Thank you very much for your kind words.. honor for me.. very thanks..
--best regards--
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